The CORE of Your Space


CORE 成立於2018年底,主理設計師具備建築與室內設計背景,多年來觀察合作之台北老鐵工廠既定的傳統代工模式後,結合金屬特性佐以不同媒材,與產業攜手開發家具、居家飾品。





CORE was founded in late 2018. 

The principal designer has architecture and interior design backgrounds. With years of observing old ironworks partners’ established practice for OEM, CORE combine the metal properties and mixed media to design and develop furniture and decorations with the industry.

We believe good living furniture and decorations are not just its looks but also should be considered its durability and should be easy to maintain. Thus, we choose stainless steel as primary material. Stainless steel is also non-toxic and fully recyclable material which provide consumers who value lifestyle more options on stylish homeware. We also expect through the integration of design and old ironworks transformation would bring us closer from local stories to living necessities.

CORE series furniture and decorations’ appeal is clean-cut structure, color opting space, and detail lining with story and inspiration. We pursuit beautiful things in life and hope they are the core of living. We also expect CORE would be the key element to achieve our perfect space.

Simple design transforms your space!
